A Memorial Day Celebration “like never before” is planned for the City of Des Moines on Monday, May 28 at Underwood Memorial Park.

This event will run from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. near the park’s Activity Center and Post Office.

To celebrate and honor the fallen, the missing, and veterans, all, there will be a ceremonial flag raising, along with commentary by selected community leaders. Included in this presentation of patriotism will be Mayor Matt Pina, Councilmember Matt Mahoney, and City Manager Michael Matthias.

“This is a tightly scheduled event and its idea sprung from our newest Councilmember, Matt Mahoney, who has everyone enthusiastically getting on board with this patriotic event, anticipated to become an annual salute to our armed forces, and the fallen. Your respectful presence is sincerely invited.”

The success of this Memorial Day honorarium will depend on as many volunteers, and attendees such as you, who may read this. Volunteers will be needed for seating arrangements, refreshment distribution, informational handouts, and the ceremony of honor to the flag.

So valued is this, to the city council of Des Moines, that new flags on standards have been ordered, for all services, and one for POW/MIA. You will be greeted by a grateful citizenry to this commemorative event from 09:00 AM – 10:00 AM on Monday, May 28th 2018.

One reply on “Memorial Day Celebration will be at Underwood Memorial Park Mon., May 28”

  1. The memorial service will be from 9-10am for the public. Setup and tear down for volunteers would be 8-9 and 10-11 am

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