Photo courtesy City of Des Moines

On May 31, 2021, a Des Moines apartment complex caught fire and displaced families occupying 27 apartments. While all were able to escape the fire unharmed, the loss of personal property, food, clothing and hygiene items was great.

The Red Cross quickly intervened to help the families secure non-congregate shelter at a local hotel, and provided food and ongoing support.

Here’s more info from the City of Des Moines:

Shannon Kirchberg, Emergency Preparedness Manager for the City of Des Moines, quickly jumped in to assist the community members affected by this tragedy.

The need for diapers, wipes and formula was quickly realized, and staff from the City’s Human Services Advisory Committee reached out to Westside Baby, a nonprofit agency that provides basic needs to children and families. The agency was more than willing to assist.

The City of Des Moines, and the community members who will be provided essential diapers, wipes, and formula, appreciate Westside Baby’s quick and generous action.

*WestSide Baby is supported through the City’s Human Services annual budget*

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