Yes, soon it will be tree time, so please make a note that Advertiser Zenith Holland Gardens will have its first batch of trees ready for you on Saturday, Nov. 21.
At Zenith Holland, you can also find your wreaths, garlands, centerpieces and more.
Lyn Robinson and her knowledgable staff look forward to seeing you.
Zenith Holland is located just south of downtown Des Moines. Heading south on Marine View Drive go past the Red Robin restaurant on your right. Go up the hill a bit and look for the wooden Zenith Holland sign on your left.
- Monday through Friday: 10 to 7
- Saturday: 9 to 7
- Sunday: 10 to 6
Zenith Holland Gardens 23260 Marine View Drive South Des Moines, WA 98198 Phone 206-878-7002