One of the reasons the Des Moines Farmers Market moved to its new location was to give shoppers new and more diversified vendors. Throughout the season we will be showcasing some of these every week.
But first we would like to showcase one of the regulars – Frogsong Farms.
Frogsong Farms is owned and operated by our very own market board member, Kim Richmond. You might also know her as the manager of the Sonju Community Garden on 16th Ave South in Des Moines. Kim has been on the market committee/ board and one of the original volunteers since its founding seven years ago.
“The name Frogsong came from the pacific tree frog in the gardens and the wonderful music they make every spring,” Kim said.
For the last couple of years Kim had keep her garden at home on a small scale so as not to be overwhelmed.
After last year’s season at the market Kim remarked:
“I need to make a decision to either do this farming right or get out the business.”
As you can see by the picture below, Kim has wholeheartedly embraced the full time farming concept (that’s her daughter Ellie (center) in the funny frog hat and farmer Kim).
Look for her booth every Saturday from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the market’s new location in the North Marina.]]>