The schedule for Holy Week at Des Moines United Methodist Church has been announced, and it begins and ends with ACTIVITIES for CHILDREN:
- Saturday 4/8, 10 am to 1 pm Children’s Fun Day, ages 4-10 in Fellowship Hall. Crafts, story time, free lunch and a movie.
- Palm Sunday 4/9, 9:30 am Children process with palm branches, and Readers’ Theater presents Part 1 of “Voices from the Passion.”
- Maundy Thursday 4/13, 7 pm Communion and Part 2 of “Voices from the Passion.”
- Good Friday 4/14, 7 pm Presentation of Puccini’s Gloria Mass by the Chancel Choir
- Easter 4/15, 9:30 am Worship followed by a Children’s Easter Egg Hunt.