A Grand Opening for ‘The Soggy Doggy’ will be held this weekend – Saturday and Sunday, June 28–29 – at their brand new location at 19893 First Ave South in the Normandy Park Towne Center. Here’s what to expect:
- Raffle with prizes of Natural Balance Basket, Solid Gold Basket, 2 Opera Tickets.
- Free Natural Balance Treat Rolls to each family, while supplies last.
- Prize wheel.
- Free Italian Sodas from Normandy Perk.
- Advantix II Blankets giveaway.
- Pet Hub – Lost Recovery Tags provided by Priceless Pet Clinic.
- $10 off office visits at Priceless Pet Clinic.
- Book an appointment for a brush and bath service at the event and get 10% off the service.
- Buy one get one half off all toys and treats.
Monday, Thursday & Friday: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Closed Tuesday and WednesdayLOCATION:
19893 First Ave South Normandy Park, WA 98148WEBSITE:
www.thesoggydoggy.comMore info on the Grand Opening here: https://www.facebook.com/events/262177770650910/ ]]>