From our sister site The Normandy Park Blog:
Sadly, Normandy Park City Councilmember Earnest Thompson passed away on Monday, Aug. 1, 2022, City Manager Amy Arrington announced in her weekly report.
Thompson was 69-years-old, and served in Position No. 1. His current term was set to expire Dec. 31, 2023.
The cause of his death has not yet been released.
“He was a passionate supporter and strong advocate of Normandy Park,” Arrington said. “Before being elected to the City Council, he served on the Parks Commission, Planning Commission, Seatac Airport Round Table (StART) committee, and more. He deeply believed in protecting the environment, promoting government transparency, and protecting the values that make Normandy Park special. He will be missed.”
The City Council will hold a moment of silence in Thompson’s honor at its next meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2022.
Council will also discuss establishing a process to make an appointment for his vacant City Council seat, with applications accepted starting Aug. 16, 2022. The appointment of a new councilmember should be made within 90 days of a vacancy’s occurrence. If an appointment does not occur by Nov. 1, 2022, the City Council loses its authority to fill the seat.
Council will determine the questions/information that is needed for the application, as well as confirm the calendar and process at the Aug. 9 meeting.
“Pursuant to chapter 42.12 RCW, and upon confirmation from the King County Department of Elections, this position will be on the November 2023 General Election ballot,” the agenda packet for the Aug. 9 meeting says. Because the election is more than six months from the vacancy, Council will need to appoint someone to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. As there is no particular process that must be followed, City Council input is needed on the desired process for filling the vacancy.”
Here’s more info from the packet:
Interested residents will need to submit an application, and King County Elections will verify that the applicant is a registered voter and has been a Normandy Park resident for the past 12 months (or will be by the time they are appointed).
City Council may interview candidates or ask for written responses to questions. Any interviews of candidates must be held in a meeting open to the public. Evaluations may be done in an executive session during an open public meeting. (RCW 42.30.110(1)(h))
The appointee must take the oath of office before assuming office and obtain open government training within 90 days, just as an elected official must do.