You hear the fateful word “Cancer.” Among the myriad of emotions and thoughts surrounding this diagnosis, one of the first things you may ask yourself is “What do I do next?” And one of the last things you will want to do is navigate your journey on your own. Certainly, you would travel anywhere you needed to, in order to get advanced technologies and compassionate care. But what if state of the art technologies were available in a convenient, comfortable, state-of-the-art cancer center just a few miles away? And not only a convenient location, but a comprehensive team there to guide you through your personal journey? Well that’s just what you will find at Rainier Cancer Center in Tukwila, just one block east of Southcenter Mall. Rainier Cancer Center opened in November of 2011 with a mission to bring advanced technologies to patients who need them. At the same time, they recognize that treatment is only half of the equation. The rest lies in human kindness-trust, compassion and care. It is also their stated mission to excel at all that.
And don’t miss “Celebrate Life” – their celebration of life event this Thursday, Feb. 21 from 6-8 p.m. at the center! An amazing evening is planned, full of food, live music and friendship celebrating the lives of their Cancer Center graduates. The entire staff of Rainier Cancer Center invites you to come and experience this joyful and inspiring event, and discover how they are “Fighting Cancer – Precisely.”

- Board Certified Radiation Oncologists who plan and oversee the entire treatment process, adjusting, as necessary, to ensure the best possible outcome.
- Cancer Navigators Cancer Care Team – your single point of contact to answer questions, assist with scheduling and billing, provide emotional support, assist with transportation and housing arrangements and connect patients with helpful resources.
- Physicists and Dosimetrists who manage the physics behind each radiation treatment using sophisticated planning software.
- Nurses and Medical Technicians who are specially trained to help patients manage the side effects of cancer or therapy,
- An Administrative Support Team who help with appointments and provide support with billing and other administrative issues.