South King Fire & Rescue recently held its ‘Operation Warm’ event, visiting two schools over two days, giving out over 160 coats and 138 smoke alarms, with help from over 60 volunteers – 38 of whom were South King Fire and Rescue employees – “and too many smiles and waves to count!”
Here’s more from the agency:
“This year Operation Warm was an opportunity to think outside the box on how to get coats to kids safely. A huge thank you to our partners at Federal Way Public Schools for working with us and providing the guidance needed to make this event safe and successful.
“This year we chose Mark Twain Elementary and Mirror Lake Elementary and were able to purchase enough coats for all kindergarten and first graders. We know not every child was able to make the event but we have a plan! If you have a student in those grades at those two schools, you will be contacted for your coat size and we will get one to you over the next couple of weeks.
“As always we wish we could do more but this year after all is said and done we will have given away approx 300 coats for kids our largest amount ever! Thank you to all the volunteers and especially Local 2024, the Aid Fund, and the South King Firefighters Foundation for your generosity in purchasing these coats.”
Photos courtesy South King Fire & Rescue