The third annual ‘Dinner or Pardon’ live turkey food bank fundraiser event has begun in Normandy Park!
What’s your vote this year?
The goal of this fun Food Drive – put on by Tay and Candace Krull and family – is for residents to vote whether to “eat the turkeys” (dinner), or “pardon” them (let them live).
Votes can be cast by donating non-perishable food to the appropriate barrel, with all donations going to Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission.
“This year we ended up with two boys,” Candace Krull told The Waterland Blog. “You never know if you’re going to get boys or girls when you get them as fuzzy little yellow fluff balls in the spring. My youngest son Daniel and his friends named the toms ‘Leroy’ and ‘Gerald.'”
Last year the turkeys were pardoned, with a tally of:
- 916 for ‘Dinner’
- 1,365 for ‘Pardon’
(no recounts were necessary)
The tom turkeys are both broad breasted turkeys – Leroy is black and Gerald is bronze.
Food Drive collections and turkey viewing will run through Thanksgiving.
Last week was the first week of collecting donations, and ‘Dinner’ received 56 votes, but ‘Pardon’ is out to an early lead with 240 votes.
“This year with COVID we didn’t know if we would even be able to host the turkey food drive or not,” Candace added. “So after some careful thought we decided to give it a go. The Union Gospel Mission can use food donations now more than ever and we hope our whole community will throw on a mask to come visit the turkeys and generously donate to our food drive.”
More info at
Read our previous coverage of this fun local fundraiser here.
This annual feel-good tradition is located in the same location at 200th and 3rd Ave SW, just across the street from Marvista Park: