Thunder and lightning didn’t scare the shoppers last week as the sun eventually showed itself for market day weekly patrons. We had over 12 Health & Fitness local businesses showcasing their different care techniques and products for a healthier living.
This week the market kicks-off Wanolitto’s Wine Club. It is free to join and all you have to do is carry our punch card with you when you shop. For every 18 bottles you purchase, you get one FREE. How easy is that! To help get the club off to a good start, we are having our sale again – buy two or more bottles and get 20% off; buy 6 or more and get 25% off. And while you’re purchasing this delicious wine, check out my recipes cooking with wine or you can download this week’s recipe “Three Bean & Cabbage Vegetable Soup” by clicking here (PDF file).
Vendor Update
We are excited anytime a new farm comes to the market but, Thornfield Acres Farm from Rochester is exceptional and will set up shop this Saturday. They not only have fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs, but jars of processed products as well. In addition to their jars and dehydrated products, their WSDA license allows them to sell cut salad greens and braising greens, ready to eat salads in deli containers, pickled products in deli containers, and vinegar dressings. They will also be doing some stir-fry demonstrations. And, if that is not enough, Steve and Missy Genson also run their own restaurant, Mason Dixon Line Restaurant in Rochester.
Food Truck Scene
Now that the Seattle Food Truck Rodeo is over, we are back to normal with our great array of foods. Stella Fiore Pizza, Evolution Revolution, and back for one more time is Ezell’s Famous Chicken. Click on their names for their great menus.
New to the market shopping tunes is Sunday Speedtrap who will be playing between 10 and noon. From noon to 2pm old favorite PK Dwyer will be back singing the blues.
Community Groups
Des Moines Friends of the Library will be manning their booth selling used books that support their reading programs. If you have any used books, bring um on down for a donation. Also, Girl Scout Troop 50050 and Destination Des Moines will be doing community outreach.
Upcoming events
This coming September 14th is going to be another Blockbuster of a day at the market. It is our annual Kids Back to School/Safety Day. Also it will be another Kids Fishing Derby. And, for all you food lovers, it is our first annual Food Truck-In with over 10 trucks offering a wide variety of entrees. Look for more information as this day draws near, as things are still in flux. Look for lots of stuff for kids to see and participate in.
Applications are starting to roll in for our annual Chili Cook-Off on the last day of the market, October 26th. If you think you have the “right stuff” to compete against the 20 teams that will be mixing it up, click here for the application and cook-off rules. We expect the 20 positions will be filled by the end of the month, so don’t procrastinate.]]>