In recognition of his many years of service to the Des Moines Community, Warren Bonus has been selected as the 2014 Waterland Parade Honorary Grand Marshal.
Mr. Bonus has been a part of the Des Moines community for over 70 years. Warren raised his family here and now has an extended family of 14 grandchildren, 27 great-grandchildren, and 5 great-great-grandchildren. Warren opened the venerable Dug Out Tavern on Marine View Drive in 1946 and was its proud owner until 2006. He is a past president of the Des Moines Chamber of Commerce.
In 1946 Warren helped organize the first Des Moines Geoduck Festival which then blossomed into the Waterland Festival in 1959.
Anyone who knows Warren knows he’s a huge Husky FAN. He bought his first ticket to a Husky game in 1948 and from then on he was hooked. He created the Dug Out’s “HUSKY BUS” that transported around 45 people from the Dug Out to Husky Stadium for every home for many years.
Mr. Bonus is a great addition to our parade and will have over 50 family and friends cheering him on this Saturday, July 19.
The Waterland Grand Parade starts at 6 p.m. at 240th and Marine View Dr S., and continues through town to 216th Ave S.]]>