Time is running out to apply for the upcoming Des Moines Police Department Citizen’s Academy – the deadline is Aug. 31, 2019.
FREE classes will be held Wednesday nights from Sept. 18 – Nov. 20, starting at 6:30 p.m.
The Des Moines Police Department is currently looking for residents and business owners who are interested in the 2019 Fall Citizens Academy.
The goal of the Des Moines Citizens Academy is to improve upon police and community relations by providing a better understanding about the duties of law enforcement.
If you are at least 21 years of age, live or work in Des Moines and have no felony convictions we want you!
There is no cost for this informative training.
Contact Tonya Seaberry at tseaberry@desmoineswa.gov or call 206-870-7619 for more information.