By Nicholas Johnson

During their first meeting of the year, members of the Des Moines City Council elected councilmember Matt Mahoney to serve as mayor and councilmember Traci Buxton to serve as deputy mayor.

The council voted 5-2 Thursday evening to make Mahoney mayor for the next two years. Mahoney, who was nominated by Buxton, was first elected to the council in 2018. In November, he secured a second four-year term by defeating challenger Soleil Lewis.

“I’ve shown demonstrated leadership over the past four years; I’ve served diligently as the deputy mayor the last two,” Mahoney said in a pre-vote statement, noting that he has never missed a council meeting.
“I think I’ve been an example to follow, and I think I could be somebody who can execute this job with civility, passion and the ability to work as a team.”

Councilmembers Anthony Martinelli and JC Harris cast their votes for Harris, who was nominated by Martinelli.

Following Mahoney’s election, the council voted 5-2 to make Buxton deputy mayor for the next year. Buxton, who was nominated by councilmember Jeremy Nutting, was first elected to the council in 2018. In November, she secured a second four-year term by defeating challenger Tad Doviak.

“In my tenure as a councilmember, I have approached all my tasks with a professional attitude,” Buxton said in a pre-vote statement, noting that she believes she can fulfill the duties of mayor in Mahoney’s absence.
“Along the way, I’ve worked hard to engage thoughtfully and empathetically with our community; I’ve nurtured a candid relationship of trust with the city manager and enjoyed excellent camaraderie with all members of our staff.”

Once again, Martinelli and Harris cast their votes for Harris, who was again nominated by Martinelli.
Newly elected councilmembers Harry Steinmetz and Gene Achziger cast their first votes in office for Mahoney and Buxton.

The mayor, also known as the presiding officer, participates in preparation and approval of meeting agendas, presides over council meetings and is recognized as the head of the city for ceremonial purposes. The deputy mayor takes on those duties in the mayor’s absence.

Mahoney succeeds former Mayor Matt Pina, who in 2021 did not seek re-election to a fourth term.

Nicholas Johnson (he/him) is an award-winning writer, editor and photographer who grew up in Boulevard Park, graduated from Highline High School and studied journalism at Western Washington University. Send news tips, story ideas and positive vibes to