During the filming of the award-winning film “The Maury Island Incident,” a local artist named Nancy Pahl was commissioned by Executive Producer John White to create a mural that visually described the historic local 1947 UFO story.
The movie was filmed in Olde Burien, Des Moines, Tukwila and off the shores of Maury Island (the full film can be viewed online here); here’s a trailer:
The mural, which was located on the east side of a building located at 901 SW 152nd Street in Olde Burien, has been used by many UFO buffs around the world to describe what happened – a bizarre UFO sighting, the first record of a Man-In-Black (and his 1947 Buick), along with the US Air Force plane that took the so-called alien artifacts, on fire and heading for a crash near Kelso.
The building was purchased recently, and so the mural had to come down.
But it has a new home, according to White.
“I just agreed to give it to Des Moines – free of course,” White said.
The exact location has yet to be determined, but stay tuned to the blog for updates.
White added:
“Thanks to Scott (Schaefer) and Steve (Edmiston) for making a film that led to the creation of the Burien UFO Festival and the Burien Film Festival.
“Let’s hand it over to Des Moines and let them enjoy it. Thanks for all the feedback. Thank you to the City of Des Moines in having in interest in displaying this Mural. Perhaps it will spark a UFO Festival there too. It’s all good.”
For more info on this story, visit http://www.mauryislandincident.com.
This is fantastic! Bring home where it belongs.
I think my dad and his country western band played the Castle pre 1940.