On Wednesday night, Oct. 23, 2019, a Candidate Forum for residents vying for the Des Moines City Council in the Nov. 5 election was held at the Saltwater Unitarian Universalist Church.
Organized by local attorney Harry S. Steinmetz, the forum was also sponsored by the South Side Des Moines Political Club.
It was moderated by Kent City Councilmember Elizabeth Watson, and featured all six candidates:
- Position 2: JC Harris and Luisa Bangs
- Position 4: Susan White and Jeremy Nutting
- Position 6: Anthony Martinelli and Rob Back
Topics discussed included quality of life issues for all Des Moines residents (e.g., airport impacts and expansion; crime; economic development; transportation; the marina), specific issues in the south side (e.g., Redondo Pier; Wooten Park; how to serve Des Moines residents in Federal Way Schools and 30th Legislative Dist.; police sub-station at the Redondo Square; unique economic development / zoning issues with Rose’s Diner lot and Masonic/Landmark; arts/culture; traffic with new DM Elementary) and much more.
Watch the full, raw, 1 hour 33 minute video below:
This was a great community event. I really want to thank Scott and the Waterland Blog, the League os Quite Skies Voters and the Poverty Bay Political Collective , the Moderator, Elizabeth Watson, and the volunteers who helped pull this event off. This was totally a community effort.
We had over 60 interested citizens of Des Moines attending. Lots of good and well informed questions. And everyone was a civil and courteous. It was one of the most substantive events I’ve ever attended. Thanks to the candidates for coming prepared and willing.