“Decide. Create. Share. – A National Campaign Developed by AARP”
Advertiser Wesley Homes will be holding an informative two-hour educational program for boomer women (and men) to help think about, and plan for, the next chapter of life.Somewhere between getting the kids off to school, putting in a day’s work, and making sure mom and dad are doing okay, you probably take plenty of time to think about the next decade or so right? With the pace of each day, taking time to be ready for your future, and creating a solid plan you can share with those you love, isn’t something any of us take time for. Yet, without a good idea of our options it’s just one more thing to stress over. When was the last time you were able to give thought to your personal health, your financial health your long term wishes or even your home and community? It’s never too early to think about what you want for the next chapter of life, we all get there. But knowing you’ve got some goals, and made some decisions for that chapter, can make all the difference in the world. It’s called peace of mind, and you deserve it as much as those you care for. Join us, get a plan in place, and be ready to live your future to the fullest. Get ready to check a few things off your long term to-do list. Maybe even grab some equally busy friends to come too!There will be two programs, both from 6 – 8 p.m.:
- Thursday, April 18
- Thursday, May 30