REMINDER: A Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser will be held this Saturday, March 23, 2024, from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. at Judson Park Senior Living.
As an annual tradition at Judson Park, many will be familiar with this event.
This year, a fun and whimsical additional is a “Pancakes in your PJ’s” theme, which encourages attendee to don their favorite pajama ensemble, perhaps roll the kids out of bed and into the car, to enjoy a delicious pancake breakfast in support of seniors.
Proceeds will benefit the Judson Park Benevolence Foundation – Minimum Donation is:
- $10.00 for children 10 and younger
- $15.00 for all others
All proceeds go to the Judson Park Benevolence Foundation whose promise is to support residents who, through every fault of their own, have aged so successfully that they are outliving their resources. The promise also extends to those who have had unforeseen expenses. The promise touches every resident because it gives them the peace of mind to know that they are always going to have a home at Judson Park.
Judson Park is located at 23600 Marine View Dr S. in Des Moines:
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