A large sewer spill – estimated at 83,000 gallons – that went on for nearly 10 hours hit McSorley Creek and the beach at Saltwater State Park on Saturday, Jan. 2, 2021.
Midway Sewer District says the spills were caused by high rainfall, and happened at two locations in Des Moines:
- 1216 S. 256th Place, where it lasted approximately one hour, with an estimated volume of 1500 gallons.
- 25139 11th Ave S. (map bel0w), where the overflow lasted for 9 hours, 45 minutes. Officials say that the average Gallons Per Minute (GPM) was 150 for an estimated total of 83,000 gallons.
Both of these locations are known problem spots that the district says it is working on fixing, with siphon line and pump station upgrades that are currently in progress.
“I truly wish I could magically make it happen faster,” Jace Layton, Superintendent of Midway Sewer District said. “All affected areas have been cleaned, signs are posted along the McSorley Creek and the beach at Saltwater State Park.”
The district said that samples will be taken to Lab/Cor first thing Monday morning (Jan. 4), as labs were closed for the holiday weekend.
These areas have been hit several times (Sept. 28, Dec. 24)with spills recently – read our previous coverage here.
I recommend that the city should help residents put rain gardens on their
properties to help with the storm water.
Sorry isn’t good enough. It’s a known issue. Fix it all ready. This is the 5th time they’ve had a breach. Wishing doesn’t fix it. I don’t understand the laxidasical attitude the EPA could come in and slap them with heavy fines and as a homeowner you don’t want to be paying off that Levy. Glad they aren’t my provider.