The King County Board of Health last week approved a proposal to expand the county’s food safety rating system to include food trucks, bakeries, meat and fish shops and catering operations.

The expansion of the regulation, requested and supported by the Washington Food Truck Association and the Washington Hospitality Association, will mean the same food safety rating placards already seen at restaurants and coffee shops will now be posted at food trucks, bakeries, meat and fish shops, and catering operations.

“The food rating system gives community members peace of mind when eating at one of the many amazing food establishments across our county,” said Board of Health Chair Teresa Mosqueda. “Expanding this system to mobile vendors helps protect our community’s health while also giving folks the confidence they need to patronize these small businesses helping to support our local economy. This is a win-win and we know more needs to be done and will be done to set up entrepreneurs getting started on their mobile food vendor journeys for success. We look forward to continuing to get feedback from stakeholders to ensure food sellers are in compliance and permitting isn’t a barrier to entering the marketplace.”

All food businesses already receive the same types of inspections, and Public Health issues placards to the businesses on a four-tiered scale – Needs to Improve, Okay, Good, and Excellent – based on inspectors’ findings. But since the establishment of Public Health’s Food Safety Rating System in 2017, only general food service establishments – essentially restaurants, taverns, delis and coffee shops – have been required to post the now familiar placards.

Expansion of the rating system will offer the public a higher level of protection against the risk of food borne illness and will also create more equitable food safety disclosure practice with all food service businesses being treated the same.

The food safety rating placards will also help food trucks and caterers stand out from unpermitted vendors.

The change will take effect on Jan. 1, 2025.