Back by popular demand – has American politics always been so crazy?
Come find out from Cornell Clayton, Director of the Thomas S. Foley Institute for Public Policy and Public Service at Washington State University at Burien Actors Theatre (14501 4th Avenue S.W.) this Sunday, March 26, at 5 p.m.
A reception will follow for audience members wanting to keep up the conversation.
“Join us at the Burien Actors Theatre where the popular and entertaining WSU Professor Cornell Clayton returns to discuss whether American politics has always been so crazy. His talk will explain the rise of today’s populist and conspiratorial politics and describes how populism on the left and right today differ.”
Admission and parking is free.
Anti-establishment candidates rail against the government they seek to lead; populist groups like the Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street howl about corruption in political and economic institutions; and wild conspiracy theories abound.
Explore how politics has become an arena for suspicious and angry minds. From the Know-Nothings in the 1850’s to the John Birchers, there always have been groups who see politics in apocalyptic terms and believe powerful elites are conspiring against ordinary Americans.
Clayton’s talk explains the rise of today’s populist and conspiratorial politics and describes how populism on the left and right today differ.
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