Des Moines Police Officers successfully apprehended three suspects on Friday, Aug. 9, 2024 following a pursuit of a stolen vehicle near the intersection of S. Kent Des Moines Road and Pacific Highway S.

The incident ended with the vehicle being disabled and the suspects fleeing on foot.

Officers initially located the stolen vehicle in the area and quickly deployed a tire deflation device to prevent the suspects from escaping. The vehicle became disabled shortly after leaving the roadway, prompting the three occupants to flee into nearby heavy briar bushes.

One suspect was apprehended immediately, while another was captured at a nearby bus stop. The final suspect was located using a drone, hiding within the dense briar bushes.

Upon searching the vehicle, officers recovered two firearms, one of which was reported stolen.

The swift and coordinated efforts of Des Moines officers, combined with the use of advanced technology, led to the successful capture of all three suspects without further incident.


Below is video from this incident, courtesy Des Moines Police: